I'm Trying to be Like Jesus

I found myself thinking about the Primary song "I'm Trying to be Like Jesus" a few weeks ago.  In the past, when I've thought what it mean to be like Jesus, I thought in terms of serving others, keeping the commandments, that sort of stuff.  But then I realized some new ways of being like Him that put the idea in a completely different perspective.

How about being like Him when your friends betray you?

How about being like Him when you're falsely accused of something?

How about being like Him when you're punished for someone else's mistake?

I decided to read through one of the gospels (Matthew - just because it was the first one) to make a list of what Jesus did and what people did to Jesus.

Things Jesus Did:
  • Was baptized by water and the Holy Ghost
  • Fasted
  • Preached repentance
  • Taught others
  • Healed others, even an enemy
  • Cast out devils and unclean spirits
  • Rebuked the winds and sea
  • Forgave sins
  • Discerned others’ thoughts
  • Raised the dead
  • Had compassion for others
  • Endured
  • Lost His life in service to others
  • Refused to defend Himself
  • Fed others physically and spiritually
  • Prayed in solitude
  • Comforted others
  • Encouraged others
  • Corrected false doctrine
  • Quoted scripture
  • Offended others
  • Performed miracles
  • Forgave others
  • Showed generosity to others
  • Praised Father
  • Spoke against the wicked
  • Prophesied
  • Expressed grief
  • Set His mind on things of God
  • Suffered injustice
  • Paid for others' sins
Things Others Did to Jesus:
  • Begged Him for help
  • Touched Him
  • Defended him
  • Worshiped Him
  • Testified of Him
  • Praised Him
  • Anointed Him
  • Expressed gratitude to Him
  • Falsely accused Him
  • Tried to use the law to entrap Him
  • Called Him the devil
  • Questioned His divinity/identity
  • Took offense because of Him
  • Did not believe in Him
  • Betrayed Him
  • Abandoned Him
  • Denied knowing Him
  • Illegally put Him on trial
  • Spit on Him
  • Punched Him
  • Hit Him
  • Whipped Him
  • Rejected Him
  • Laughed at Him
  • Jeered at Him
  • Hated Him
  • Persecuted Him
  • Stripped Him
  • Ridiculed Him
  • Jeered at Him
  • Scorned Him
  • Taunted Him
  • Mocked Him
  • Tempted Him
  • Insulted Him
  • Killed Him
After studying Isaiah, I know that persecution is coming.  We will be tested to see whether we will stand up for our beliefs, for our God, on a level we've probably never imagined.  Being like Jesus will involve persecution, suffering and perhaps even dying as He did.  I'm trying to prepare for this by meekly accepting the small trials and injustices I have in life, knowing that I'm being like Him when I do so.  Suffering injustice is one thing that we will most definitely have to experience in the upcoming tribulations - just as He did when He atoned for our sins.  There is no greater injustice than the pure, holy Son of God suffering the consequences of the sins of the populations of worlds.